Boeing: Ethical Situation

Why did Boeing take so long to investigate the crash within six months of each other? Why did they not listen to pilots complaint? The crashes for both Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 have woke the aviation industry that lead to serious investigation worldwide and causing all Boeing 787 Max 8 to stopped taking-off again. The ethical situation is that the Boeing failed to respond and solve the problem that eventually lead to crashing. Since the pilots announced their decision to investigate the plane, the Federal Aviation Administration failed to act on it. Boeing Chief Executive Officer, Dennis Muilenburg spoke to President Trump about not to ground Boeing 737 Max 8 since Boeing is still investigation the causes of the two crashes of their planes. The Federal Aviation Administration have decided to take action as well to ground all Boeing new planes. The company was very disappointed about stock losses that lead to twenty eight billion dollars from it market values since the Ethiopian Airlines crash.

Image result for Boeing Ethical Situations in crashes
Boeing find the similarities between two crashes from automation system

Both crashes are still currently under investigation and there no words about what really caused it. So far, they believed that new automated systems that was added to the Boeing 787 Max 8 causing it to change the game system in automated system. Boeing added additional features that lead the pilots to frustration and lack of training. No training was given to the pilots about the new feature system since the airplane is so much bigger and more fuel efficient than any other planes in the history of aviation. What next is the United States Senate will be involved in the investigation as well to to change Federal Aviation Administration’s certification on new feature and new planes. Boeing are pressuring other passenger’s family about not pursuing legal actions, starting to change the feature on automated system, and train pilots to prevent crashes on the 787 Boeing Max 8. What do you think Boeing should have done in the beginning since the first crash?

8 thoughts on “Boeing: Ethical Situation

  1. Again, coming from military aviation I look at the horrific situations of a down aircraft under a little different light. I am astonished to hear that it was multiple pilots experiences a magnitude of malfunctions over a span of a few years ultimately leading up to two crashes before an actual massive investigation was launched. Speaking from experience, when there is a malfunction on a system, a repair order or MAF is cut to the maintenance department who will then trouble shoot the specific aircraft. This information is all recorded and stored in records so Boeing cannot easily say that these are ALL isolated incidents. Its truly sad that hundreds of people had to lose their lives before all these different parties opened their eyes and realized they had a major technological issue on their hands.

    Personally, in a brief amount of research that I have done on this topic, I heard that these automated systems were effecting the pitch of the aircraft’s and now allowing the actual pilot to override the controls to level the aircraft out. Again, this comes down to a complete lack of training and the inability to override these systems while in the air. All comes down to rookie pilots vs old school cowboys who have years of flying the old school aircraft.

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  2. It’s crazy to me, that a big company like Boeing can let pilot complaints about automated systems fly by their head. They didn’t even train them in the new automated system, and even after the first rash they still didn’t act fast. It seems they didn’t want to admit their automated system was a bad system, so they kept the reasons why the plane crashed on the down low. Which is unfortunate because it cost peoples lives in the end.

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    1. The reason they did not train the new pilots is that Boeing believes that every pilot should know how to fly a plane. That another disappoint as well since the pilots are the one flying the planes.


  3. It is really tough when the pilots are not properly trained on the new added materials as they should have been. In any corporation training with a new system is imperative to success, and it is no different in this case. Boeing should have trained pilots on how to use these new features of the aircraft so that they were not stuck figuring it out themselves


  4. I can understand both sides of the debate. Boing should have never let the warnings from other pilots slip by until something actually happened because of it. They should have informed the pilots about the switch in the system and then improved any bugs that arose after in flight testing. At the same time, I can understand that Boeing expects the pilots to know how to fly a plane without automation. Since they have been in the game for a long time, they are used to the old guys that knew how to handle any flight without automation. In the end, Boeing should have informed the pilots of the changes.

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  5. Also, it was in the process of speeding things up and selling the planning model in the market before the deadline. It does not matter how old and experienced you are when it comes to new models. There should be informed of new systems.


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